#AltMeds: Chiropractic Therapy

Zac Turner

March 01, 2017

Curious about alternative therapies? You’re not alone! It’s a vast world of drug-free health practice and can be confusing at the best of times.

As with any professional, it’s important to see the right person for the right job. You wouldn’t go to a hairdresser for a toothache (!) so it makes sense to familiarise yourself with the vast range of practitioners out there.

As a GP, I am frequently asked about what a Chiropractor does. Read on to learn more about Chiropractors and how chiropractic practice could potentially help you.

What Is Chiropractic Therapy?

Chiropractic Therapy was invented in the late 1800s to align the body and spine. According to the Chiropractic Association of NSW, chiropractic practice ‘focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health.’

Chiropractors don’t use drugs or medicine. Chiropractic therapy relies on the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself, without drugs or surgery.

Professional chiropractors recognise the value and responsibility of working in cooperation with other health care practitioners in the best interests of the patient.

Qualifications & Education

Australian chiropractors study at university for a minimum of five years, graduating with either a double Bachelor’s Degree in Chiropractic Science and Clinical Science, or a Master’s Degree, depending on their university.

Interestingly, Australia was the first country in the world to incorporate chiropractic courses within the university system in the 1970’s.

After entering a practice, all chiropractors must complete continuing professional development courses and seminars to upgrade and improve their skills and to stay current on the latest scientific research.

Who Should See A Chiropractor?

I recommend that Chiropractors are ONLY suitable to treat adults with postural, bone or muscular problems, including:

  • Back pain
  • Shoulder and arm pain
  • Buttock and leg pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Sciatica

Chiropractors can also treat adult athletes for increased performance enhancement and flexibility.

Before visiting any specialised health care professional, talk to your GP to determine whether a chiropractor can help you.

As with any health practitioner, shop around to find the right person for you.

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