Hayfever Hacks: How To Treat Hayfever

Zac Turner

September 18, 2017

Spring has certainly sprung. With pollen levels set to soar, now is the time to nip seasonal allergies in the bud, if pollen is your own personal Kryptonite.

I recently joined the team of Channel 9’s ‘The Today Show’ to discuss my top Hayfever Hacks. Watch the video over at The Today Show’s website here.

Read on to discover how you can outsmart the symptoms of spring and get your sinus #summerready!

TIP # 1- Hang Your Laundry Inside

It’s tempting to hang your clothes outside on the trusty Hills Hoist, but the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) recommends hanging clothes and bedsheets indoors so they don’t collect pollen. Sure, clothes dry quicker in the sun, but try this easy tip and say goodbye to sleeping with a constant stream of allergies.

TIP # 2 – Skip Running Outdoors In The Morning

Peak pollen time is between 6am and midday, according to ASCIA. If you exercise regularly every morning, why not switch to a cycle or cardio class at the gym and reap the benefits of less teeny tiny allergens making their way into your routine?

TIP # 3 – Omega-3 Rich Foods Are Your Friend

Sinus pain can be soothed by eating foods rich in omega-3 like salmon and flaxseed oil. Betacarotene is also a known allergen deterrent, so reach for those carrots, spinach and capsicum when making your daily spring salads.

TIP # 4 – Switch Coffee for Green Tea

Japanese scientists have discovered that green tea contains a compound that temporarily blocks the key cell receptor in creating allergic responses. Even more reason to ditch coffee for this soothing, gentler alternative to your daily #caffeinefix.

TIP # 5 – Buh-Bye Wine

This is certainly no crowd pleaser, but all your alcoholic favourites — beer, bubbles, wine and liquor — contain histamine, which can worsen hayfever symptoms according to allergen experts. If you really can’t give up booze, try limiting your intake to one glass a week in the evening when the pollen count isn’t as high.

TIP # 6 – Wash Your Hair Every Day

Think of your hair like one giant piece of Blu Tack for allergens. Make sure you wash your hair everyday to remove allergens and remain pollen-free, especially if you’ve spent the majority of your day outdoors.

TIP # 7 – Kiss The Pollen Away

According to a Japanese study, a 30-minute smooch session can reduce your body’s production of histamine (this makes up for tip #5!).

TIP # 8 – Shake Out Your Clothes

Shake out your jacket before you step inside after a day outside. Once you’re inside, it’s a good idea to change clothes and minimise the amount of allergens you bring into your home at the end of the day.

TIP # 9 – Take Medication Before Bed

Some medical experts recommend taking a once-a-day antihistamine at night during high-pollen season, as its potency will peak 12 hours later, when pollen levels are highest. This means you will potentially be starting the day with the anti-histamine working against your symptoms.

TIP # 10 – Put Soft Toys On Ice

Disclaimer: this might sound a little nuts, but ASCIA recommends putting soft toys in the freezer overnight to kill dust mites, another cause of hayfever. I’d love to hear from all you parents out there to vouch for this extraordinary tip!

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