Home Health Tech: ADA – the ‘Doctor In Your Pocket’ App

Zac Turner

August 14, 2017

There’s an app on the market that is giving Siri a run for her money.

Meet ADA and learn how it can help you and your GP get to the bottom of medical hiccups.

ADA is a ‘health companion’ app, which was designed by a international team of 100 doctors, data scientists and engineers.

The app is like having a ‘doctor in your pocket’ when you feel sick, asking questions and suggesting possible causes for symptoms. It can do this as it keeps a digital record of your health history.

Although this kind of data technology is fantastic, it’s worth noting that ADA should not become a substitute for a real-life consultation with your human GP.

Rather, use ADA as a way to document your health history and share the progression of any symptoms with your GP.

ADA is free from the App Store and Google Play (www.ada.com)

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