Insights on how to live a healthier life

Dr. Zac regular vlogs his #DrZacsTips to share insights on how to live a healthier life. Follow Dr Zac on Instagram @drzacturner for a daily dose of health tips, hacks and facts.

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Summer Body #drzacstip

Dr Zac shares his morning smoothie booster ideas for those days when you're too rushed to think about breakfast.

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Summer Body #drzacstip

Dr Zac shares his top winter weight busting tips to help get you exercising again!

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Summer Body #drzacstip

Dr Zac shares his diet tips on which winter comfort foods to avoid that will help you achieve that summer body!

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Superfoods #drzacstip

Dr Zac explains the importance of eating small, simple meals regularly.

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Superfoods #drzacstip

Dr Zac explains the importance of regularly eating health fat.

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Superfoods \#drzacstip

Dr Zac discusses superfoods and some great alternatives to common, boring carbohydrates.

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All About Supplements

Dr Zac explains what pre-workouts are and how they can help you achieve your fitness goals.

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All About Vitamins

Are you getting too many vitamins? Dr Zac discusses the the signs and symptoms.

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Dr Zac explains the importance of natural sources of good bacteria and probiotics.