5 Tips That Will Change Your Diet Forever

Zac Turner

July 05, 2017

If you give your body what it needs, that’s what it will crave.

These 5 simple steps will help you to build a diet plan you’ll love that works for you.

Tip # 1 – Base Each Meal around a Protein

This will help you build lean muscle – which helps to burn fat. Eggs or yoghurt, lean meat. You want a portion size about as big as your fist. And if you’re vegetarian make sure you’re getting your protein from legumes or tofu.

Tip # 2 – Your Carbs should be Low GI

When in doubt, go dark: sweet potato, brown rice, wholemeal or rye bread and whole oats. If you are eating a gluten-free diet, buckwheat is the best alternative for bread and cereal.

Tip # 3 – Mum was Right: Eat Your Veggies

Don’t forget you 5 and 2. This is essential for fibre and nutrients.

Tip # 4 – Eat Smaller Portions, More Often

Try to have a medium-sized nutritious meal 5 times a day. This will keep your metabolism humming.

Tip # 5 – Treats Shouldn’t be in place of Meals.

Have a small, sweet treat once a day as a reward for your healthy eating. Take my word for it some coconut protein balls on the market taste even better than a Bounty bar!

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