So You’re Thinking About Getting A Boob Job…

Zac Turner

April 27, 2017

You are in control of your body and shouldn’t be afraid about physically changing it. But getting a boob job should not – and I repeat should not – be a spur-of-the-moment or rushed decision.

The fact you are reading this article means you are doing your research. Congratulations! Research is absolutely the first step I recommend as a doctor to any patient thinking about undergoing breast augmentation.

It’s certainly wise to be aware of each stage of the procedure before jumping into the decision. So without further ado, here are my top boob job tips, facts and hacks, covering the vital preparations before surgery; what to do, what not to do and how to maximise your chances of a swift and successful recovery.

What To Know Pre-Procedure

Be conscious of your boob goals. Do you want to go up one size for a natural effect? Or do you want to go up several sizes for a more high-impact look? The clearer you are on your desired result, the easier it will be to find the right surgeon for you.

Be sensitive about where you are now and what your lifestyle might be in the future. Many patients only realised after their procedure that their new breasts prohibited clothes they loved wearing and exercise they liked doing. It’s important your desired size fits in with every part of your lifestyle.

Keep fluctuating body weight in mind if you are thinking about getting much larger breasts. Breast implants stay in your body for 7-10 years. I’ve heard about patients who have expressed disappointment at how they looked when they put on weight, as their breast implants made them look heavier than they otherwise were. Same goes if you are planning to lose weight, which increases the breast/body proportion.

Test out your desired new bra size with a padded bra for a month to make sure the size is really something you want to go with. Past patients considered going up 3 cup sizes, then changed their minds after trialling out the padded bra in what they thought was their desired size.

Chat to your GP. Make sure you do an overall health checkup before talking to a specialist. Discuss your boob goals with your GP. Ask your GP for a referral. Note: this specialist doesn’t have to be the surgeon you choose; think of them as a starting point.

Do your research to find a doctor whose work you like. Compare multiple before and after photos from their previous work. Compare your body type and aesthetic goals with the work of the doctor. Chances are, the doctor’s work on previous patients will be the same on you.

Check the doctors final policy. What will they do if you’re not happy with the end result? What happens if something goes wrong during the procedure? This is where it pays to shop around. Once you’ve found the right surgeon for you, make sure you work out a scenario in case you are not happy before the procedure.

What To Know Post-Procedure

So you’ve decided to go ahead with a breast augmentation procedure. You’ve done your research, have a clear idea of the desired result and found the right surgeon for you. Now what?

I can’t stress enough that breast augmentation is a large procedure. I talk to so many patients who believe they can go in for surgery, come out the next day and start work the day after.


You need to STOP, PLAN and take AT LEAST a week off from work (at the very least but a month is ideal) to best aid your body’s recovery process.

There are a few no no’s that should not be done until at least a month after the procedure, as this can tear at the sutre lines:

– DO NOT get a massage
– DO NOT exercise
– DO NOT go shopping and try on clothes

If you are travelling overseas for the procedure, bring a friend with you. Spend the recovery time chilling together.
Read all those books you’ve been meaning to.

Look after your new boobs from the get-go and they will look after you!

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