These Supplements Will Burn Fat Whilst You Sleep! Meet L-Carnatine and Glutanine

Zac Turner

July 03, 2017

L-Carnatine and Glutanine are a dynamic duo of amino acids most commonly available in powder form.

Here’s what you need to know about these #ubersupplements.

What Is L-Carnatine?

L-Carnatine comes from the amino acids lysine and methionine and helps the body burn fat as an energy source.

According to a 2013 study, a dietary supplement containing 500mg of L-Carnatine per day – along with combined exercise – resulted in a significant amount of weight loss in the participants. The results showed that an average of 400g of body fat was lost in just four weeks, without any participants changing their diets.

What Is Glutamine?

Glutamine is also a type of amino acid, aiding in your immune system’s function and muscle repair. What’s so good about glutamine is that it is converted into glucose in the kidneys, without affecting your body’s glucagon and insulin counts.

While Glutamine contributes to your body’s overall energy supply, it also bypasses the insulin-induced fat storage – which ultimately means your cravings for sugar are reduced. Pretty good right?

Glutamine supplements can minimize the breakdown of muscle whilst improving metabolism.

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