Tired Of Looking Tired?

Zac Turner

January 24, 2017

Are you one of those people who gets asked no matter how much sleep you’ve had the night before ‘big weekend hey?’. It’s fun to have big nights and long weekends, however puffy bags, dark black eyes, open pores….are all evidence that no one wants to see.

I often get asked what one can do to look less tired. Looking tired is often a combination of factors, from dehydration to genetics to anatomy to aging…or you could just be really tired. There are many things you can do to look less tired like sleeping more, drinking more water and less alcohol, eating better, working less and heaven forbid – going to bed early. These lifestyle measures are good for longevity, but not the quick fix that many of us are looking for.

For those who are looking for a more permanent fix, there are a few things you can do to keep the fun to a maximum without anyone at work having any idea. Here are 5 tips to looking like you’ve had that long relaxing holiday where all you’ve done is get massaged and drink coconut water.


Heck, even a relaxing weekend can improve your image. Whether you fly somewhere, go camping nearby or look up old friends, jumping ship for a couple of days can make a big difference. There’s so much written about the importance of short breaks away helping fatigue. Google search some nearby destinations stat. Who knows, you may have a new adventure as well.


I ask people about their water intake all the time and hear “yeah it could definitely be better” or “I just forget.” Well, buy a water bottle, set an alarm and get your body to start craving water. Studies show that first thing in the morning, 300-500mls of water (2 glasses) improves digestion, weight control and longevity. Have 2 cups of water before your usual 4-5 cups of coffee a day, your skin and kidneys will thank you for it.


I love filler. I have solved my deep tear troughs with just a few mLs of it, and one of the best things about it is that it will help you for years to come. Most fillers these days are non-permanent and made up of hyaluronic acid (HA) found naturally in your body and a precursor and stimulator of collagen. Discovered in 1934, it has gained momentum due to the Japanese village of Yuzuri Hara, where men and women in their 80-90s have smooth skin, flexible joints and high activity levels. HA helps maintain 1000 times its own weight in water thereby improving skin hydration and elasticity, joint mobility and even assists with protecting your visual acuity.


I’m not talking about your doctor or surgeon. When was the last time you went to your masseuse, counselor, acupuncturist or naturopath? These specialty areas are there for living longer, healthier, happier, sleeping better and beating fatigue — not only to fix problems. My clinic understands that wellbeing is finding the balance between inner health and our physical form. Whilst injectables, exercise and nutrition make you look fantastic our wellness therapist and sex therapists help improve your life and relationships. We’re all about improving oneself, so why not be happier and live a more fulfilled life.


A facial is codeword for ‘quick chill-out time where You focuses on You’. Choose a facial that includes some lymphatic drainage massage to help those bags, plus a peel with some lactic acid, as this will help to draw HA, which increases skin hydration.

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