
What constitutes a healthy poo?

This week Dr Zac Turner tackles the heady topic of what a healthy poo looks like. QUESTION: Hi Dr Zac, I’ve always been curious about what constitutes a healthy poo,…

Zac Turner

February 16, 2021

“Healthy” Christmas presents that aren’t that good for you!

This week, Dr. Zac Turner looks at “healthy” Christmas presents that aren’t that good for you. QUESTION: Hi Dr. Zac, my mum has become obsessed with health and nutrition this…

Zac Turner

December 22, 2020

Dr Zac’s 10-minute tactic to combat anxiety and stress

This week Dr Zac Turner looks at how to combat stress in these uncertain times. QUESTION: Hi Dr Zac, this may seem strange – but I’m feeling more stressed now…

Zac Turner

November 09, 2020

How to prevent skin cancer: Dr Zac talks about chemicals to avoid in sunscreen

This week Dr Zac Turner delves into the world of skin cancer and whether having darker skin makes you immune. QUESTION: Hi Zac, I’ve been working as a tradie for…

Zac Turner

October 22, 2020

Is vaping safer than smoking? Doctor Zac reveals the truth!

QUESTION: Hi Zac, I’m at my wits’ end! I have smoked for over 20 years and tried all the traditional methods of quitting. Patches, gum, eating nuts, hypnotism and no…

Zac Turner

September 09, 2020

Coronavirus: What are the risks for pregnant women and can my newborn have visitors?

A pregnant woman in Melbourne who’s been doing everything right has still been hit by fear that COVID could harm her and her baby. Dr Zac answers a question about…

Zac Turner

August 10, 2020

Coronavirus: Doctor Zac Turner shows us how to makes face masks out of T-shirt!

Dr. Zac Turner has rejected Australia’s deputy chief medical officer’s advice and says face masks should be mandatory for all Australians if they visit enclosed public spaces, especially supermarkets….

Zac Turner

April 12, 2020

Does Sugar cause Alzheimer’s Disease?

It’s no secret that sugar isn’t great for us. Sugar causes weight gain, tooth decay, and an array of health concerns – far too many to mention in one blog…

Zac Turner

November 16, 2017

What Is Brain Fog And How You Can Beat It

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why we’ve you went in there in the first place? Maybe you’ve fleetingly stopped in your tracks, grasping to remember your…

Zac Turner

November 06, 2017